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Magistrates Competition - May 2024

Magistrates winner 3_Susan Eastlake

Our students’ legal prowess was once again demonstrated on Saturday 18th May. Twelve Year 9 students headed off to the Regional Final (there is no National final for this competition) and squared up to nine other schools from Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Hampshire. The court case materials had only been released a month ago and so rehearsal time had been very limited with a once a week focus; this proved no obstacle as they were declared the winning team!

The Magistrates’ Court Mock Trial competition helps young people understand how the law touches every aspect of their lives, gaining insight into how the legal justice system works. Each student plays a key role in a mock trial and has to play a convincing part – learning the case, thinking on their feet and responding in role. They play various court-based roles such as lawyers, witnesses, usher, legal advisor and magistrates where they both prosecute and defend a case inspired by real life events. It was a tough battle and the competition was fierce – they really were up against the best of the best. This made it all the more impressive when one of the judges made a point of asking us to encourage our students to go into the Law as they had such skill.

So, a huge well done to the following students: Charlotte S, Juliet F, Laith B, Amelie T, Lauren M, Andrew N, Isabelle W, Lawrie W, Jas L, Maja H, Hannah W and Harry G. We will add the trophy to our Court Competition collection as our CPS students really have done an outstanding job of winning their court encounters!

Magistrates winner 2_Susan Eastlake     Magistrates winner 1_Susan Eastlake

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