History of the school

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Calthorpe Park School opened on Wednesday 3rd September 1969 as North Fleet Bilateral School with Mr J. Ormerod as Headteacher.  A few months later, the new Governing Body changed the name.  153 pupils and 11 staff were the first occupants before all year groups were complete five years later.

The official opening took place on Friday 18th June 1971 by Mr W. van Straubenzee, MBE, MP from the Department of Education and Science.  After the National Anthem and a Dedication from the Vicar of Fleet, the Rev A.C.B. Deedes, speeches were given by a variety of people connected to the school including the Chairman of the School Governors, Major B.C. Debenham, MBE, the Chairman of Hampshire County Council, Brig Sir Richard A-G Calthorpe, BT, CBE and Mr Ormerod.

The school formed part of the 1967/68 Major Building Programme, designed by the County Architect in the SCOLA Mark IA form of construction using standard components with some brick cladding.  The total building cost of the project, including fees, furniture and equipment was approximately £410,000.

The original buildings were extended over the years with Phase 2 (English, Tech, Library) being built in 1974, followed by the Maths block, the old and new Drama blocks and of course the Leisure Centre next door.

Mr C. Heasman took over as Headteacher in 1988 before retiring in 2005 when Mrs C. Anwar replaced him.  Mr M. Amos and Ms M. Hooper were appointed Joint Headteachers in 2014, retiring in 2021. 

Mr K John is now the school's Headteacher and we currently have 1535 students attending (September 2022).