Policies & Protocols

Statutory policies are shown below, and click here for medical protocols.  If you would like to see our non-statutory policies, please contact us.  The Pay Policy is held in school, updated annually and last reviewed in November 2023.  

Annexes for the First Aid, Supporting Students with Medical Conditions and Administration of Medicines Policy can be found here.

The Governing Body has adopted Hampshire County Council’s Manual of Personnel Practice.

Policies included in this manual are: Staff Discipline; Performance Management and Capability; Miscellaneous Leave; Pupil Discipline (Exclusions); Management of Staff Absence; Whistleblowing and Phased Retirement.

These policies are updated by the Local Authority, and where a policy has statutory status, the regularity of review is compliant with legal requirements.

Name Download
Additional Educational Needs (AEN) Polic... Download
Admissions Policy 23-24 CPS-ST-P-POL-037... Download
Admissions Policy 2024-2025 CPS-ST-P-POL... Download
Admissions Policy 25-26 Download
Anti Bullying Policy CPS-NS-P-POL-017 Re... Download
Attendance Policy CPS-ST-P-POL-040 Rev02 Download
Behaviour Management CPS-ST-P-POL-033 Re... Download
Behaviour Principles Statement - CPS-ST-... Download
Careers Education & Guidance Policy CPS-... Download
Careers - Provider Access Policy Stateme... Download
Charging and Remissions Policy CPS-ST-P-... Download
Child Protection CPS-ST-P-POL-012 Rev03... Download
Code of Conduct - Parents & Visitors Download
Complaints Procedure CPS-ST-P-PRO-004 Re... Download
Data Management CPS-NS-P-POL-016 Download
Drugs & Substance Misuse CPS-NS-P-POL-00... Download
E-Safety & ICT Use Policy CPS-NS-P-POL-0... Download
Equality Information and Objectives CPS-... Download
Equality Policy CPS-NS-P-POL-010 Rev 01 Download
Exclusions CPS-ST-P-POL-099 Download
First Aid and Support Students with Medi... Download
Keeping children safe in education 2023... Download
Lost, Damaged or Stolen Property Policy... Download
Low Level Concerns CPS-ST-P-POL-094 Rev0... Download
Preventing Extremism and Radicalisation... Download
Relationships and Sex Education Policy C... Download
Safeguarding CPS-ST-P-POL-013 Rev03 Download
School Accessibility Plan (Policy Statem... Download
School Uniform Policy CPS-ST-P-POL-097 R... Download
SMSC Policy CPS-NS-P-POL-020 Rev 02 Download
Student ICT User Agreement Download
Teaching & Learning CPS-NS-P-POL-005 Rev... Download