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Rights Respecting
Wednesday 5 May 2021 - REaL3 are recruiting new members and we would love to have as many students as possible join! If you are interested, please email Miss Kiernan: l.kiernan@cps.hants.sch.uk
Friday 20 November 2020 - World Children’s Day is UNICEF’s annual day of action for children, by children. This year at CPS things are slightly different. We will not be running our usual event, but we will still acknowledge this important day as we feel it is something to celebrate.
In Year 7 PSHE, students have been learning about Articles 1 and 4 of the UNCRC and have watched a video about World Children’s Day. In addition, in a few weeks we, REaL3, will be organising a tutor time activity for the whole school on an important theme: climate change. REaL3 has been taking part in UNICEF’s OutRight campaign. Every year OutRight empowers children and young people to realise their own rights and speak out in support of the rights of all children. This year’s theme of climate change is of great importance to us all, but it is young people who have the most to lose if this is not tackled. UNICEF is calling for the government to adopt a six-point plan and the fourth point states: increase access to clean water, sanitation and hygiene and address environmental degradation and climate change. REaL3 will continue to support this plan and will work with the school community to raise awareness of this issue.
For more information on World Children’s Day please click here.
The Unicef video for 2020 can be found here.
For more information on OutRight please see this link.
The Rights Respecting School Award
The Rights Respecting School Award is an award run by UNICEF, working with schools to make the rights of young people more demonstrated in schools around the country. It puts the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) into practice, educating young people on the rights that they’ve had since birth up until they’re 18. Over 4,500 schools are currently involved. Presently, Calthorpe Park has taken an active involvement in this award by dedicating citizenship days in both Year 7 and Year 8 to it and by raising awareness of rights through tutor time activities, lessons in Year 9 and 10 Community Cohesion, and assemblies.
Students in REaL3 have had a very busy half-term in the run up to our Silver Rights Aware Assessment with Unicef. Throughout this academic year, students have organised events linked to rights (World Children’s Day and Week of Change) and have explored ways to incorporate rights through displays and news items. We are happy to announce that on Monday, 15th July 2019 we were awarded the Silver Rights Aware Award. REaL3 would like to thank the whole Calthorpe Park community for their support in spreading the message that children’s rights matter. Over the next two-three years we will continue to embed this work to get us to the next stage of the award: Gold.
Follow this link for more information, and see this link for the details of our Silver award.
Year 7 Enrichment
In Year 7 Enrichment, students have recently completed ‘Project Rights Aware’. Working as a pair or small group, students were asked to conduct some research about children’s rights to help them make an advertising campaign. Each pair/group was given a right to base their campaign around. The end results were posters and plans for a social media campaign, or advert for TV. Students also prepared presentations. Mrs Al-Dabagh visited Mr Moller’s Enrichment group on Tuesday 2nd April and was so pleased with how students presented their ideas. Below are some examples of the fabulous work the students have created:
Calthorpe Park is currently working towards the second stage of the Rights Respecting Schools Aware, Silver: Rights Aware. The work completed by Year 7 showed great maturity and understanding of rights.
Week of Change - March 2019
Each year we hold our ‘Week of Change’, as part of our Rights Respecting agenda. This year, during the week of 18th-22nd March, we made a variety of changes to school life at Calthorpe Park. Students from REaL3, our Rights Respecting student group, had the task of coming up with events for the school to engage in. The week began with a mufti day to support eco initiatives within school and concluded with our ‘teacher swap’ day.
Articles which were looked at during the week were:
Article 12 The Rights of the Views of the Child
Article 13 The Right to Freedom of Expression
Article 27 The Right to a Good Standard of Living
Article 31 The Right to Leisure, Play and Culture
Article 3 The Right of Best Interests of the Child
Article 24 The Right to Good Health
Article 17 The Right to Information from the Media
Article 28 The Right to an Education
Besides this, the following events took place: a lunchtime Multi-Cultural Film Fest; a Mental and Eco-Health and Digital Detox Day, when there was no electricity in lessons and students were discouraged from using mobile phones; ‘News’ lesson starters and also a ‘student-teacher swap’ day, when 130 student ‘teachers’ took lessons across a variety of subjects.
In Year 7 Spanish, Miss Meaden played the part of a student in her fake ‘Calthorpe Park jumper’, whilst her students looked the part as teachers and delivered an excellent lesson.
In Year 9 English, Toby H and Cerys C gave students a silent reflection task to allow them to mark the quiz they made about Wilfred Owen’s ‘Disabled’. In Year 10, English students worked collaboratively to complete work on ‘Macbeth’. Students in Year 11 Spanish planned a quiz. The two student teachers taking the lesson shared responsibility of explaining the task and using the classroom technology. Some students also taught more than one lesson and enjoyed practising their ‘teacher look’!
As a reward for their teaching, students attended a ‘staff room style’ extended break on Monday, 25th March.
From this event it is quite clear that the right to an education (Article 28 of the UNCRC) is something to be valued and appreciated. We would like to thank the student teachers and the staff for their support during the Week of Change and look forward to the event next year.
Year 7 and 8 Rights Respecting Citizenship Days (Article link 42)
In October, Year 7 and 8 students took part in a Rights Respecting morning where lots of rights based activities were completed. The morning began with an assembly about the UNCRC and what the day would entail. Groups then headed off to their respective areas for the day and the first activity on ‘Wants and Needs’ was completed.
Each student was given a copy of the UNCRC to read and refer to throughout the day. They also took part in a ‘Rights in Action’ activity where they created different symbols based on rights found in a mini ‘scavenger hunt’ that they put onto a ginger bread person. They also made charters that demonstrated what rights they have here in school and how we should respect them.
REaL3 and the Rights Respecting School Award
REaL3 is a group that runs every Friday from 3-4pm to discuss events both in school and out of it, mainly to discuss how the school can better integrate the UNCRC into daily life. REaL3 stands for: Rights, Respect, and Responsibility in Education and Learning.
If your child has been involved with the Halloween Disco, Fairtrade, the Christmas Fair or The Week of Change, that’s us!
Week of Change
Each year we encourage students to take the lead in their classrooms and this year, during 5th to 9th March, many ‘student teachers’ took part in our annual week of change. REaL3 chose articles from the UNCRC to highlight all week with activities to take place to raise awareness of children’s rights. Rights included this year were Article 42, 38, 31, 30 and 28.
The most popular event of the week of change is the student teacher swap event to help raise awareness of the right to an education (Article 28). To celebrate their efforts, the student teachers involved were rewarded with a ‘staff room style’ extended break time on 22 March. Whilst enjoying their goodies and drinks, they reflected on their experience and said they thoroughly enjoyed teaching even if it was, to use one of their words, ‘tough’.
World Children's Day
On 20th November Calthorpe Park acknowledged World Children’s day with activities in tutor time and in lessons. Students from our Rights Respecting group REaL3 made the PowerPoint of activities as well as blue paper chains that were hung in the old reception area as a way to acknowledge the UNICEF #GoBlue initiative. The activities included: poems written by children, the story of a young Syrian girl and what she wishes for all children, as well as some videos to raise awareness of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child including an inspirational speech from Malala Yousafzai. Five blue balloons were also placed in the old reception area to acknowledge the five rights from the UNCRC that are included in the student diary that link to the Calthorpe Way. These are the rights that we feel are most important here at school. They are: Article 2 (non-discrimination), Article 12 (respect for the views of the child), Article 28 (right to an education), Article 29, (goals of education) and Article 19 (protection from violence, abuse and neglect).
If you want to know more about World Children’s Day please visit: https://www.unicef.org/world-childrens-day