
Bike Shed changes

Bike Shed

Following a review of our provision for students who use our bike sheds to store their bikes/scooters, I am writing to update you as to a revised protocol that will come into effect from Monday 24 February 2020. From this date our bike sheds will be locked at 8.40am until the end of each school day. Therefore, students who either arrive after this time or need to leave the school site before the end of the day, for example, medical appointments, will need to park (and lock) their bikes in the outside storage areas. Students will be made aware of these changes and additional signage will be introduced to also highlight these changes. In the event of an emergency, reception can contact our site team to unlock the gate/s. If you have any questions as a result of these changes, please contact me at your earliest convenience.

Oliver Borkowski
Deputy Headteacher


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