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Y10 Art & Photography trip to Kew Gardens - October 2023

We took our annual Year 10 Art and Photography trip to Kew Gardens, last Thursday. We were very lucky with the weather and the students were able to spend a lovely day sketching and photographing the exotic plant life in the many tropical glass houses on site. The students will use this resource to help inspire their current GCSE projects.

My Kew Gardens trip was beneficial to my learning as it helped me to see what I am going to make into a clay pot in real life, instead of using a photo. Ed

My experience on the Kew Garden trip has helped me to understand more about types of organic structures and how they can be broken down into different components. Samira T

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During my day at Kew Gardens, we visited lots of the greenhouses, and because of our topic macro, we had the chance to take many close-up photos of the huge variety of plants. I had so much fun and took so many photos that I’m very happy with. My favourite place was the temperate house, which had an exhibition and there were so many cool plants that I had never seen before. Lydia B

We spent the day visiting a variety of glass houses, exhibitions and gardens each with their own exotic and unique plants. The photographers had an opportunity to take macro photos using a special lens. My favourite part of the day was visiting the temperate house in which a queer nature exhibition was going on. There were so many interesting plants of all sizes and colours and below is one of my favourite photos I took. I had a great day outside taking photos and seeing different plants.   Tanya I

second review     first review

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