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Chief Scout Medal for Nancy B - May 2022

We are very pleased to hear that Nancy B in Year 7 has been awarded the Chief Scout Medal of Meritorious Conduct Award.  This was presented at Windsor Castle last weekend, where she met Bear Grylls and Tim Peake.

Nancy was playing in the local park when a child became unconscious for no visible reason.  She very calmly put her in the recovery position and stayed with her, reassuring the other younger children that the little girl would be ok.  Several adults walked past and when she shouted for help they ignored her plea thinking she was trying to trick them.  An ambulance was called, and when they arrived, Nancy calmly explained what had happened and what she had done.  She then took the Police and the Ambulance crew in to the park, showed them where they had been playing and confirmed that the child had not eaten anything.  The ambulance crew praised her quick thinking and said that she had saved the child's life with her first aid skills.  These were skills learned in Scouting just a week previously. 

This is more remarkable as she was only 9 at the time, although due to covid the presentation had been delayed until now.  Her Sea Scout leader at 26th Odiham nominated her for the Chief Scout Medal of Meritorious Conduct Award and a panel of Senior Scouting leaders awarded her the medal.  

Nancy - Windsor 2   Nancy - Windsor 1

Nancy - Windsor 3   Nancy - Windsor 4


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