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Traffic Management System

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In conjunction with the Hart Green Grid initiative, which aims to ‘create routes between all settlements to encourage walking, cycling and other forms of sustainable healthy transport’, Hampshire County Council and Hart District Council implemented the Traffic Management System that is now in place for Calthorpe Park School and the surrounding highways. This system limits the number of vehicles eligible to access the school and use the stopping and bypass lane, at the end of the day. Subject to on-going review, morning drop-offs remain unaffected, owing to more evenly distributed traffic across a longer timeframe, lessening the impact on the local roads. 

Whilst we are required to operate this system, there are many positive implications for both the health and well-being of our community and also for overall safety. 

Permit Eligibility
Eligibility is determined by postcode (see eligible postcodes here).  Any postcode that is greater than 3 miles from the school is eligible for a permit.  Hampshire County Council and Hart District Council have determined that a walking distance of up to three miles is acceptable and the routes available are safe for students of secondary school age. 

Families with more than one child in school from September only need to make one application.   

Year 6 Permit Applications
In July, Year 6 families are approached via Edulink to ascertain eligibility and (where applicable) make an application. Year 6 families who are not eligible but have extenuating circumstances (such as mobility difficulties) will also be able to make an application at this time. 

Permit Renewals
Permits normally expire in July of a given year.  As the expiry date approaches, permit holders are contacted directly via Edulink and asked to confirm their continued eligibility as part of the renewals process.  

In-Year Change: Eligibility
Any families who become eligible throughout the school year owing to a change of residence can apply for a permit by emailing They should anticipate a response within two weeks and will also be contacted as part of the renewal process when the permit is due to expire.  

In-Year Change: Extenuating Circumstances
Year 7 – 11 families who are not eligible but have extenuating circumstances may apply for a permit by emailing Following a review of the request, applicants should anticipate a response within two weeks.   

Short-term Medical Permits
Year 7 - 11 families who need to urgently request a permit for medical reasons should email  

Raising a Query or Concern
As a school, we are required by Hampshire County Council and Hart District Council to implement and monitor this Traffic Management System. To assist, we have a list of FAQs and some useful sources of information below. If you have any further queries about applying for a permit, please direct them here. For concerns about the wider implications of this Traffic Management system, may we ask you to direct your thoughts to

As always, we thank you for your support, cooperation and patience. 


Further links:

FAQs - see this page for answers to your queries

Bus Timetable - check the 10 or 610 bus timetable directly on the Stagecoach website. 

Please note there have been changes to the route for the 10 bus, which will no longer be going via Pondtail.  Timings have also changed for the route meaning pick up in Ancells Farm is earlier.  See this page for the message from Stagecoach.

Travel to CPS
- map showing timings of travel by distance from school

Eligible Postcodes - check if you can apply for a permit depending on your postcode

Bike Sheds

Route Guard - this is an approved HCC app allowing students and parents to stay in contact while travelling to and front school

Hart's Green Grid

HCC School Travel for Secondary Schools