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Training & Development

We are committed to promoting the professional and personal qualities of all employees.  

Continuing Professional & Personal Development (CPPD) is an entitlement of all staff; teaching, non-teaching and Governors. Staff are encouraged to take responsibility for their own professional development and to take ownership through effectively building links with performance development targets. This is how we link and integrate CPPD planning with the School Improvement Plan.  

CPPD is a real strength at CPS and collaboration is key. There are no formal observation programs here. All teachers are paired in coaching duos either in or out of their departments, plan together, challenge each other, support each other, visit each other’s lessons and evaluate together using the much-celebrated TGROW model. INSET days offer a range of activities for all, an element of choice pertaining to individual areas for development, opportunities to work off-site at a library, museum or in another school or university.  Well-being workshops allow staff to learn to sing, drum, dance, speak Japanese, groom greyhounds or practice yoga and meditation techniques; there’s something for everyone.  

English 4     History 9

All staff are entitled and encouraged to engage in work-shadowing, off-site INSET, cross-school and County partnerships and professional qualifications from A Levels, ELSA to NPQs. Colleagues can attend any of our Monday after-hours CPPD workshops from one-to-one professional coaching, aspiring to MLT, SLT, Headship & Head of House courses, weekly drop-in sessions focused on pedagogy, management and organisation. We offer a professional leadership programme for non-teaching staff and our Study Supervisors. Quite simply, we cater for everyone at CPS because we care about your personal and professional development and aspire for every member of our community to have all the tools necessary to be the best of the rest.